Personal meditations on Polytheism and Paganism

These are a collection of my thoughts largely about Contemporary Polytheism and Paganism, These a work in progress, one day I would like to organize these by category and possibly expand on some topics. Many of these are a stream of consciousness and some meditations will conflict with others, harmonization with hopefully come later. This will be updated from time to time. Some of these are about my own personal faith, Hellenismos. 

1. The passing of the ball of responsibility between modern Pagan/ Polytheists and Judaism about the creation of Christianity should be stopped. It is an unproductive dialog. The development of Christianity: It's creation and cosmology are the actions and thoughts of the Church founders, it is neither Pagan nor Jewish.

2. The crimes of one's religion are not the crimes of the individual.

3. Do not abuse others because of their religious affiliation, likewise, do not let them abuse you because of yours.

3. Orthopraxy without a set of moral/ethics is just ritualism

4. Reject New Age- While the lines between it and certain modern Pagan rituals and tools, its intentions are usually based in quasi-Protestant god, many of its tools/beliefs have been appropriated from the Occult, Orientalism, watered-down Vedic/Hinduism, science fiction, space brother cults, Theosophy, Spiritualism, and mystic Christianity.

5. Do not fear Orthopraxy- how we do rituals bind us together just as much as how we behave.

6. There is always room for debate on how one should/ought to behave and how one can improve the rituals

7. Invest in a quality incense burner, it is a common offering. Invest in quality incense.

8. Do not fear the youth, Protect the youth, teach the youth, Let the youth teach you.

9. While the line  between laity and clergy in the pagan world is much fuzzier do not shame others for the lack of knowledge or more relaxed take on their faith
A. Likewise, do not tear down those who want to be of service or take on responsibilities as leaders

10. Many tools, statues, trappings can be found in second-hand shops
a. Though there is a thriving economy of pagan craftspeople and supporting the "pagan economy" allows for pagans to support themselves in other ways outside of being a writer.

11. A Christian is not less of a Christian because their political views differ from other Christians, Jews are not less Jewish because they disagree politically, Muslims are not less Muslim of they don't agree with the political stance of an Iman. So too because your political beliefs may clash with other pagans does not mean you are less pagan. So too if a pagan who holds different political beliefs than you, does not make them less pagan.

12. While the phrase "Your paganism is not my paganism, and that's okay" is useful for interfaith dialogue between Pagan/Polytheists, it can be used dismissively, because sometimes, that is your paganism, and they are representing it wrong.
a) this phrase is also used as a shield from valid critique, critique done correctly can make our practices evolve  

13. As the US pagan population grows, access to public temples is needed, because the laws of concerning religion in the US, these temples will need a Demos/congregation to maintain them and fund them.

14. For better or worse English is in some ways the default language of much of Neo-pagan literature. While this is not an inherent problem, Anglophone Pagans must be willing to learn other languages, teach their children other languages, especially the languages of the Pantheon they worship.

15. There is time to read and time to practice.

16. Religion, metaphysics, Spirituality is not as clean-cut as various religious leaders and scholars would have us believe. It can be complicated and messy.

17. The commodification of many Pagan-Polytheist( Including WET, The occult,Witchcraft)  ancient or contemporary have happened and will happen to many of our practices. We can't stop it but we can, prudently, Perhaps even grimly, benefit from it.
A. If they want the dumb candle, then sell them the dumb candle, don't be surprised when they decline your offer to join your coven.

18. People with wombs should have total authority on how they ought to handle pregnancy. Current Abortion debates in the United States are steeped in Christian Supremacy and misogamy

19. Belief in magic(k) other than as Psychotherapy, is a claim about a Supernatural/Extra-natural force that hasn't been measured by rational/empiric tools. Thus no matter if your witchcraft is a-religious or even "Atheistic", your stance on the metaphysics of the universe is still spiritual to a degree.

20. Pagan is a broad term, each religion, each tradition in that religion is allowed to draw lines what is and isn't their religion and tradition. These lines are not to hurt but define ( this need more nuance )

21. Neo-Paganism will die without community, Support temples, support festivals, support local pagan stores.

22. We as a community should be wary of frauds and Gurus.
a. Vetting a leader is not a crime, do not rely on "how good they make you feel"
b. their dedication and actions are the telltale signs
C. Leaders are to be of service
D. If they are good, keep supporting them
E. Before you de-platform or create a pariah of a leader, make sure you know what
what you're talking about

23. Pagan's studies " failure" to define Neo-Paganism outside the New Religious movement may be a matter of time

24. Reject anything that sounds of "spiritual" bullshit, vagueness, Self-help, and feelgoodism.
a. Yes, certain religious experiences are hard to put in words,
b. Yes, religion should make you better your life 
 c. You have the power to make yourself better

25. Sometimes you don't need a new spell or ritual you need to go to therapy
  a) Sometimes you don't need a new spell or ritual sometimes you need to touch base with you community. 

26. Be wary of any form of religion/spirituality that says you should ignore the evils of the world.

27. Not all forms of contemporary Paganism need some sort of ancient tie or flavor. We can listen to the Gods and the Universe and find new kinds of Paganism

27. There is a staggering amount of Books, Articles, blog sites, Journals, that cover many topics that are part of the Pagan movement.

28. Contemporary Paganism, is not WET, is not  Folk Witchcraft, and Is not New Age, but has heritage from all of them and shares a space with them. These lines were probably just a blurry for Pre-Christian Polytheistic societies as well.

29. Paganism, in general, is a broad set of religions, Polytheism is as well. Your cosmology and ethics might not be the same as another, treat events like Pagan conventions like an interfaith event, because it is.

30. The use of the term/insult of LARPer is not helpful or even accurate. Everyone who attends the rituals with honest hearts believes the gods are real, the nature of their reality is a difference of perspective.

31. Stop being hesitant of things and start to write on these things

32. Neopagan/ Pagan is more akin to a political identity than a single religion.

33. Sometimes the best festivals are with the family at home

34. Reject Christian political fundamentalism.
a. Church and State should remain separate
b. The "religion" they speak of is almost always Christianity.

35. Black Magicians Matter 
       Black Pagans Matter 
       Black Polytheists Matter 
       Black Lives Matter 

36. Reject White Supremacy

37. If one practices long enough, folks will start asking for advice. 

38. To live without an altar is to feel slightly untethered. 

39. With the death of Margot Adler and concerning the age of Ronald Hutton we should consider who is recording our histories in this century.
a) with the complexities and larger Pagan/Polytheist world, their maybe room for more, with deeper dives in to each broad religion/tradition. 

40. Consider the source of your information, just because someone says it is, does not make it so. Paganism/Polytheism is full of UPG and fakelore.
a) sometime fake history the world more magical 
b)UPG is not bad

41. Many American  pagans do not deal with our Christian Heritage be it Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox.
a) I am not immune to it either. 
b) Rather than living a full Pagan experience, they would have their faith simply be a reaction to their former faith. 

42. The Wheel of the Year was an invention of Jacob Grimm, but it has evolved over time and its a key component  if many Pagans. 

43. Daily practice is vital for deepening one's relations with the gods and faith. It's also hard at first. 


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